More Discussions for this daf
1. Smearing Oil on Shabbos 2. When did Rebbi harvest the Omer when Peasch fell on Frday 3. Rebbi and cutting the Omer on Shabbos

Sam Kosofsky asked:


We learned in today's daf that Rebbe was a talmid of R. Shimon. He said that when we learned with R. Shimon in Tekoa we'd bring him oil and towels on Shabbos by carrying them on rooftops and karpifot until we got to the spring where he'd wash. Isn't smearing with oil on Shabbos a melacha d'Oraysa? How could R. Shimon have done so?


Sam Kosofsky, Hillcrest Queens, NY USA

The Kollel replies:

Shalom, Sam! It is permitted to smear oil on Shabbos (Mishnah, Shabbos 147a). When the Gemara says (Shabbos 146b) that Rav prohibits smearing oil on Shabbos, it is referring to thick oil that is used for stopping up holes (Rashi there DH Mishcha).

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld