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1. Offering 142,000 Korbanos in a single day 2. Were they not there?

Rafi Goldmeier asked:

In today's daf of Zevachim - 59 - there is a big debate between 3 Amoraim whether the mizbayach was situated in the south, middle or north of the entrance to the Heichal. trhe debate is repeated again in regards to the location of the Kiyor.

Could they not find someone who knew? Was nobody who saw it in the Bet hamikdash available to tell them, where it actually had been?


Rafi Goldmeier

The Kollel replies:

The Amora'im lived many years after the Churban, and thus they are arguing about how the Mizbe'ach was constructed since they did not see it. It is probable that even had there been an account of the details of the Mizbe'ach, they would not have accepted the account against their Derashos, as we see in Sukah 5a that although R. Eliezer bar R. Yosi said that he actually saw the Tzitz, still the Rambam records the Halachah there like the Chachamim.

D. Zupnik