More Discussions for this daf
1. Chatas Asham Comparison 2. Teshuvah On An Aseh

Roi asked:

Ravina brings a third support mishna for Rebbe Shimon's shita that we bring left-over chataos for keitz hamizbeach. But this mishna from Temurah is regarding a korban asham of a yachid? A similar korban chatat of a yachid would be left to die according to the limud of Yehoyada. Why is it taken from granted that we can learn from there to a korban chatat of the tzibur? (It is only Rebbe Eliezer/Elazar that learns the hekesh?)

Thank you so very much!


Roi, Los Angeles, USA

The Kollel replies:

Rebbi Shimon's opinion is that public left-over Chata'os are used for Kayitz ha'Mizbe'ach only after there is a Mum. At that point, they are sold and the money is used to buy a new animal for the Olah of Kayitz ha'Mizbe'ach. Rebbi Shimon is not talking about private Chata'os. They are killed ("Yumas"); only public Chata'os are not killed.

Ravina brings proof from Rebbi Yehoshua that an Asham which is not killed and can be used, still cannot be used as is. Rather, it must be redeemed and a new animal must be bought for Kayitz ha'Mizbe'ach. This type of Korban is similar to a public Chatas, which is not killed and is used for Kayitz ha'Mizbe'ach. The public Chatas must be redeemed, and its value is then used to purchase Kayitz ha'Mizbe'ach.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner