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1. Lav she'Kidmo Aseh 2. Lav ha'Nitak l'Aseh 3. ONES AND MOTZI SHEM RA
4. Reish Lakish's Diyuk from Rebbi Yehudah 5. Lo Sihyeh l'Ishah

Avi Greenman asked:

How could Reish Lakish learn that lav she'ein bo maaseh lokin alav if according to him the case of nosar is a case of hasraas safek which is lav shmaih hasraah according to him-therefore by nosar he could never have even gotten malkos in the first place!

Avi Greenman, Edison, NJ US

The Kollel replies:

The Maharik (134:3) explains that Rebbi Yehudah himself certainly holds both Lav she'Ein Bo Ma'aseh Lokin Alav and Hasra'as Safek Shemeih Hasra'ah. Rebbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish each learn their respective opinions from Rebbi Yehudah, while relying on other sources not to hold like Rebbi Yehudah with regards to the other rule of Rebbi Yehudah.

Dov Freedman