More Discussions for this daf
1. Olam ha'Ba and Olam ha'Neshamos 2. Insights regarding "Ein Techiyas ha'Meisim *Min ha'Torah*" 3. Introduction to Chelek
4. Kohanim in the future Mikdash 5. Relationships of Minim to the Rabbis

matis winer asked:


i am a big fan of your website and i use it to supplement my daf yomi learning. i can't seem to find one of the insights that was written up as an introduction to perek chelek. i remember it was very thorough and quoted the different sources, and i wanted to look up the sources myself. could you please tell me where i can find that link on your website? thanks

kol tuv v'shavuah tov matis winer, ny, ny

The Kollel replies:


Thank you. I am not sure which Insights you meant, but my guess is our discussion of Olam ha'Ba and Olam ha'Neshamos etc. which you should find at -- see #3. Let me know if that fits the bill.

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld