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1. Learning Halachah from the actions of an individual 2. Is squeezing fruits d'Oraysa in our day? 3. Shinuy Mar'eh

Chaim Weiser asks:

Good morning.

R' Chisda said : if one squeezes spinach and put the juice in a mikveh, if it changes the appearance (shinei mar'eh) of the water the mikveh is pasul.

I learned in mishnah, Mikva'os 7:3, "hedi'ach bo salei zeisim v'salei anavim, V'shinu es maarov, kosher." I didn't learn it b'diyuk, it was purim, please explain the difference.

Y'yasher shkoach, Chaim Weiser, Teaneck, usa

The Kollel replies:

The Tiferes Yisrael explains that the dirt from the contents of the basket (in contrast to a liquid, such as wine) is a Davar she'Ein Bo Mamash (it is not a real substance) and therefore it does not invalidate the Mikvah, despite the fact that it changes its appearance.

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler