
What is the significance of the words "Ka'asher Tzivam"? What exactly did Yaakov command them before his death, regarding the transportation of his coffin?


Rashi (to 50:13): He commanded them (a) that only his sons (and not his grandsons, whose mothers 1 were Kena'aniyos 2 ) should carry his coffin; (b) the exact position where each son was to stand by the coffin (in the same formation that they would later camp around the Mishkan in the Midbar, 3 as the Torah describes in Bamidbar 2); (c) that Efrayim and Menasheh were to replace Levi 4 (who was destined to carry the Aron ha'Kodesh) and Yosef (who was a king).


Moshav Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim: According to the opinion that the Shevatim married twin sisters from other mothers, they were not Kena'aniyos! According to all, we can ask from Sha'ul ben ha'Kena'anis, i.e. Ben Dinah! Yaakov did not want to arouse jealousy [and forbade all grandsons]. Moshav Zekenim - However, Rashi says that Efrayim and Menasheh carried! (For Gur Aryeh, refer to 50:13:151.1:1.)


Hadar Zekenim, Riva (to 50:13), from Pesachim 50a: How could they marry Kena'aniyos, which Avraham was so adamant about? When the Pasuk (regarding Yehudah) says "Kena'ani," it means a merchant! Riva - The Gemara said so only about Yehudah, who was king over his brothers.


Ha'amek Davar: This is the meaning of 'like their inheritance, so was their encampment' (Horayos 6b). Bamidbar Rabah (2,8, partially brought in Rashi to Bamidbar 2:2) - Moshe was concerned lest the Shevatim object to the directions in which Hashem commanded each Shevet to camp. Hashem answered that they have a tradition from how they carried Yaakov.


Riva (to 50:13), Moshav Zekenim: But Moshe carried Yosef's coffin, even though he was a Levi! Rather, Yosef's coffin carried itself - "Noheg ka'Tzon Yosef" (Tehilim 80:2).


Why does it say, "Va'Ya'asu Vanav Lo Ken"?


Malbim: This order remained for them in the Degalim (order of encampment) in the Midbar. There is a great significance to the order in the upper world. 1


Ha'amek Davar: After the Egyptians mourned as much as necessary, they did not need to engage in the burial. Now, his sons engaged with him like he commanded. Until now, Yaakov's honor was for many to participate in his burial, like it says in Sotah 13b. "Ken" means a basis and foundation, like "Ken Tzedakah l'Chayim" (Mishlei 11:19). They simply carried Yaakov in the order that he commanded; they did not seek reasons. All the more so, Mitzvos of Hashem surely have reasons and secrets, but we should not investigate at the time of doing. Rather, [we do them] because Hashem commanded.


See Maharal (50:13:151.2).

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