
What is the Torah telling us here about Eisav? Why did he marry the daughter of Yishmael?


Rashi: It is telling us that, when Eisav saw how Ya?akov carried out his father's instructions, and went to Charan to avoid marrying a daughter of Cana'an, he put on a pretense of fulfilling the wishes of his father by marrying a daughter of Yishmael, but without divorcing his wicked Cana'ani wives.


Rashbam: When he saw that his father had conferred upon Ya?akov the B?rachos of Avraham, and that he instructed Ya?akov to marry a woman from his family and not from Cana'an, he figured that he lost the B?rachos because he had married a Cana'ani woman, and that, perhaps, by marrying a daughter of Yishmael, he may regain part of the inheritance that he had lost. 1


Ohr ha'Chayim (in 28:8): Perhaps he thought that his children from the daughters of Cana'an were not worthy of B?rachos, but perhaps the B?rachos could be fulfilled through his children from the daughter of Yishmael. Refer also to 28:8:1:1.

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