[97 - 40 lines; 97b - 13 lines]

1)[line 1]דינא הכי?!DINA HACHI?!- Is this the law?! (We learn from a Mishnah (Bava Kama 10b) that the borrower can return the broken item, together with monetary compensation for the remainder of its value, and the borrower does not have to bother with buying a new item!)

2a)[line 2]דמהדר ליה תבריהMEHADER LEI TAVREI- he returns the broken pieces

b)[line 2]וממליא ליה דמי מנאU'MEMALYA LEI DEMEI MANA- and compensates to him [the rest of] the value of the utensil

3)[line 3]דוולאDAVLA- bucket

4)[line 6]שונראSHUNRA- a cat

5)[line 6]חבור עליה עכברי וקטלוהוCHAVUR ALEI ACHBAREI V'KATLUHU- mice ganged up on it (the cat) and killed it (see Insights)

6)[line 12]וחבילV'CHAVIL- it became ill (over-heated)

7)[line 17]אשקיין מיאASHKEYAN MAYA- pour for me some water [to drink]

8)[line 19]שאיל ברישא והדר אשקייךSHA'IL (B'DISHA) [B'REISHA] V'HADAR ASHKEYACH- borrow [the item] first and then I will pour you a drink

9a)[line 20]מקרי דרדקיMAKREI DARDEKEI- a teacher of young boys (who teaches them to read verses)

b)[line 20]שתלאSHASLA- (a) one who plants vineyards for a percentage of the yield (RASHI); (b) [a government worker] who plants for the citizens of the district (RAMBAM Hilchos She'eilah u'Fikadon 2:3)

c)[line 20]טבחאTABACHA- a slaughterer

d)[line 20]ואומנאUMNA- (a) a blood-letter (RASHI); (b) a Mohel (MAHARSHAL)

e)[line 20]ספר מתאSAPAR MASA- (a) the town barber (RASHI, NIMUKEI YOSEF); (b) the town scribe (NIMUKEI YOSEF)

10)[line 21]בעידן עבידתייהוB'IDAN AVIDTAIHU- while they are working (or during the hours designated for them to be working, even if they are not actually doing work at that time - NIMUKEI YOSEF)

11)[line 22]שאיל לן מרSHA'IL LAN MAR- will the master lend to us [an item]

12)[line 23]לאפקועי ממונאי קא בעיתו?!L'AFKU'EI MI'MAMONA'I KA BA'ISU?!- [do] you want to remove my money/assets from me?!

13)[line 25]אנא מצי אישתמוטי לכו ממסכתא למסכתאANA MATZI ISHTAMUTEI LECHU MI'MASECHTA L'MASECHTA- I am able to change (lit. slip away from you) from one tractate to another tractate

14)[line 27]ביומא דכלהYOMA D'CHALAH- the days of the Yarchei Kalah, in the months of Adar (before Pesach) and Elul (before Sukos), when all students assembled in the Yeshivos (in Bavel) to learn the Halachos of the festival

15)[line 28]אוגר כודנייתא בי חוזאיOGAR KUDNAISA BEI CHOZA'EI- he leased a mule to people from Bei Choza'ei, a district of Bavel on the caravan road, along the Tigris River and its canals

16)[line 29]נפק לדלויי טעונה בהדייהוNAFAK LIDLUYEI TE'UNAH BAHADAIHU- he went out to lift up a load [onto the mule] with them

17)[line 32]איכסיףICHSIF- he was embarrassed

18)[line 32]דלמיסר טעונה הוא דנפקL'MEISAR TE'UNAH HU D'NAFAK- to supervise the load (to ensure that they did not overload his mule) is why he went out (but not to help them)


19)[line 1]והלהHALAH- the other person (i.e. the Sho'el, the one who borrowed the cow)

20)[line 10]מנה לי בידך, והלה אומר איני יודעMANEH LI B'YADCHA, V'HALAH OMER EINI YODE'A - one person claims, "You have in your possession a Maneh that belongs to me," and the other person says, "I do not know." (BARI V'SHEMA, BARI ADIF)

This case is called "Bari v'Shema," where one litigant has a claim of certainty ("Bari") and claims "I am certain [that the case occurred as follows]," and his opponent counters with an uncertain claim ("Shema"), a plea of "Perhaps [the case occurred in a different fashion]." Whether or not the person with the claim of certainty prevails is the subject of a Machlokes Amora'im.

21)[line 12]כגון שיש עסק שבועה ביניהןKEGON SHE'YESH ESEK SHEVU'AH BEINEIHEN - the case is one in which there is another disputed item involved in the claims which requires the defendant to swear [e.g. because of "Modeh b'Miktzas"] (SHEVU'AH: MODEH B'MIKTZAS HA'TA'ANAH)

If a person admits that he owes part of a claim, we suspect that the claim is true and the debtor wants to temporarily postpone the payment, but does not have the audacity to completely deny the claim. He is therefore required, mid'Oraisa, to take an oath that he does not owe the part he denies (Shemos 22:8). If he refuses to take the oath, he must pay the entire amount being claimed.