[9a - 52 lines; 9b - 56 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 9a [line 20]:

The words "v'Lo Zo Bilvad Amru, Hachi Ka'amar Lehu Raban Gamliel l'Vnei" ולא זו בלבד אמרו הכי קאמר להו רבן גמליאל לבני

should be "v'Lo Zo Bilvad, Ela Hachi Ka'amar Lehu Raban Gamliel l'Vnei" ולא זו בלבד אלא הכי קאמר להו רבן גמליאל לבני

This is the Girsa recorded in Dikdukei Sofrim #10 from early editions of the Gemara. Accordingly, this is not a separate Sugya but a continuation and a proof for what was established in the previous Sugya. (Perhaps the words above (line 18) "v'Lo Zo Bilvad" ולא זו בלבד should be "ked'Tenan v'Lo Zo Bilvad" כדתנן ולא זו בלבד (without the colons) since it is only a proof for what was established in the previous Sugya.)


1)[line 2]דגנוD'GANU- who sleep

2)[line 8]מכללאMI'CHLALA- from an inference

3)[line 8]זוגאZUGA- pair

4)[line 9]דאשתכורD'ISHTAKUR- who got drunk

5)[line 10]כדאי הוא רבי שמעוןKEDAI HU REBBI SHIMON- that is, we can rely on Rebbi Shimon's opinion to recite the evening Shema even after Alos ha'Shachar, and not only until Alos ha'Shachar, when necessary.


6)[line 13]מצודהMETZUDAH- like a trap

7)[line 14]מצולהMETZULAH- like the depths of the ocean

8)[line 24]"ענני ה' ענני וידעו העם הזה כי אתה ה' האלקים ואתה הסבת את לבם אחרנית""ANEINI HASH-M ANEINI [V'YEID'U HA'AM HA'ZEH KI ATAH HASH-M HA'ELOKIM, V'ATAH HASIBOSA ES LIBAM ACHORANIS!]" - "Answer me, HaSh-m, answer me! [And let this people know that You are HaSh-m Who is G-d, and thus You will turn their hearts back to You!']" (Melachim I 18:37) (ELIYAHU PLEADS WITH HASH-M)

(a)The commentaries explain the double expression at the beginning of the verse in a number of ways: 1. "Answer me with fire; answer me with rain" (since a terrible famine was currently ravaging the land, as mentioned earlier); 2. "Answer me with fire; answer me that the people should accept my actions as miracles and not as witchcraft; 3. When Eliyahu said (in the previous verse), "Let it be known today that You are G-d in Yisrael, that I am Your servant Let them know that You are G-d in Yisrael, and that I am Your servant," he meant that if HaSh-m would answer him now, then the people will also believe him when he will come in the future to herald the coming of Mashi'ach.

(b)Chazal interpret the final phrase in the verse in the past tense: "and You (HaSh-m) turned their hearts away" [by giving them a strong Yetzer ha'Ra], and, moreover, HaSh-m conceded that Eliyahu was correct. RASHI (on the verse, and to Berachos 31b-32a) explains that Eliyahu protested that since HaSh-m gave Bnei Yisrael the opportunity to sin by creating the Yetzer ha'Ra, He is capable of turning their hearts back to Him.

(c)These words were said when Eliyahu successfully showed the people that the idol Ba'al was powerless, and that HaSh-m is the true G-d. See Background to Berachos 6:28.

9)[line 26]תכלתTECHELES- Techeles, the greenish blue wool used for Tzitzis (see Insights to Menachos 44:1 for a discussion of the identity of the Techeles)

10)[line 27]כרתיKARTI- (O.F. porels) green leeks

11)[line 30]גבבא דעמרא חיוראGAVEVA D'AMRA CHIVRA- for a fleece of white wool

12)[line 32]לערודL'AROD- for a wild desert donkey

13)[line 34]כותיקיןK'VASIKIN- "like the diligent." (a) Humble people who cherish the Mitzvos (RASHI); (b) outstanding scholars noted for deep analysis and sharp reasoning (TALMIDEI RABEINU YONAH)

14)[line 39]דאמטיית אסא לבי מלכאD'AMTAYAS ASA L'VEI MALKA- you had to carry a myrtle-branch to the palace (when forced into public labor)

15)[line 44]חוכאCHUCHA- a smile; chuckling