
TOSFOS DH Dinara Hadraina Traina Shaifa

úåñôåú ã"ä ãéðøà äãøééðà èøééðà ùééôà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of these.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ äãøééðà òì ùí äãøééðåñ ÷éñø åèåøééðåñ ÷éñø ùééôà ùí äîìê


Explanation #1 (Rashi): Hadraina is based on Hadrainus Kaiser, [Traina] is based on Turainus Kaiser, and Shaifa is the name of the king.

å÷ùä ìø''ú ãáñîåê àîø ùá÷ùå ìâåðæå îùåí èéáòä ùì éøåùìéí åîèáò éøåùìéí àîøéðï áäâåæì ÷îà (á''÷ öæ:) ãåã åùìîä îöã àçã åéøåùìéí òéø ä÷åãù îöã àçã


Question (R. Tam): Below, it says that they wanted to forbid [all Hadri'ana and Toraina Dinarim] due to the coins of Yerushalayim, and the coins of Yerushalayim, we say in Bava Kama (97b) that David and Shlomo were on one side, and Yerushalayim Ir ha'Kodesh on the other side!

åàåîø ø''ú ãäãøééðà äééðå òâåì ëîå (äãø äåãøðà (ò''æ ãó ëá)) [ö"ì äãøà ãëðúà (çåìéï ãó îç:)]


Explanation #2 (R. Tam): Hadraina means round, like Hadra d'Chanta (small intestines - Chulin 48b);

åèåøééðà äééðå âãåì (ëé úøéèà (çåìéï ãó ÷ëã.)) [ö"ì ëîå úøéèà ãô' äâåæì ÷îà (ùí) ãàîø' äúí âáé äîìåä àú çáéøå òì äîèáò åäåñéôå òìéå àôé' ëðôéà àôé' ëé úøéèà - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


And Turaina is big, like Trita in Bava Kama (97b). We say there regarding one who lent his friend according to a coin, and they added to it, even like Nafya (bran) or Trita [he returns coins that are accepted now];

àò''â ãèåøééðà áèé''ú åúøéèà áúé''å àéï ìä÷ôéã


Even though Turaina is spelled with a Tes, and Trita is with a Tov, one should not be adamant about this.

åùééôà äééðå ùðùåôä öåøúå


And Shaifa means that its form was rubbed out.

åîéäå ôé' ä÷åðèøñ éù ìééùá åìçì÷ áéï áéú øàùåï ìáéú ùðé [ö"ì ùäéúä àéîú îìëåú òìéäí - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ëãàîø áîðçåú


Defense (of Explanation #1): We can resolve Rashi's Perush and distinguish between Bayis Rishon and Bayis Sheni, in which the fear of the [Nochri] king was on them, like it says in Menachos (98a. Therefore, in Bayis Sheni they used coins based on the Nochri kings.)

åàùëçï äãøééðåñ ÷éñø áôø÷ àéï îòîéãéï (ò''æ ãó ìá.) åëï ôé' áòøåê


Support (for Explanation #1): We find that Hadrainus Kaiser in Avodah Zarah (32a). And so explained the Aruch (like Rashi).


TOSFOS DH d'Mizdavna b'Esrim v'Chamesh Zuz

úåñôåú ã"ä ãîæãáðà áòùøéí åçîù æåæ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that gold is worth 12 times as much as the same weight of silver.)

åäëé ðîé àîø áøéù äæäá (á''î îã:) ããéðø ùì ëñó äåà àçã îòùøéí åçîùä áãéðø ùì æäá


Observation: It says similarly in Bava Metzi'a (44b), that the silver Dinar is [worth] one 25th of gold Dinar.

åëï îåëç áôø÷ ùåø ùðâç ã' åä' (á''÷ ìå.) âáé ùðéí äøàùåðéí ãéðøé æäá


And so it is proven in Bava Kama (36a) regarding [an ox that gored three times], the first two (the original owner and the first victim) receive gold Dinarim (each gets one. It is clear from the Mishnah that this is 25 silver Dinarim.)

åáôø÷ ëì äðùáòéï (ùáåòåú ãó îã: åùí) âáé äú÷áìúé îîê ãéðø æäá


And so it is proven in Shevu'os (44b) regarding [one who is owed 50 Dinarim, and he says] "I received from you a gold Dinar."


Note: This is not an absolute proof. Perhaps Tosfos assume that since the other cases of admission in that Mishnah are half the claim, also this is. Even if the Tana specifically taught a gold Dinar, to teach that this is not considered admission to a different species than was claimed, he can easily make the claim twice the admission.

åéù ìúîåä ãòëùéå àéï æ÷å÷ ùì æäá ùåä éåúø (îòùøä) [ö"ì îùðéí òùø - öàï ÷ãùéí] æ÷å÷éí ùì ëñó ìëì äéåúø åàéê ðùúðä ëì ëê ùòø äæäá åäëñó ãáéîé çëîé äâîøà äéä ùåä ùì æäá òùøéí åçîù ùì ëñó


Question: Nowadays, a gold Zakuk (coin) is not worth more than 12 silver Zekukim, at most! How did the relative prices of gold and silver change so much? In the days of the Chachamim of the Gemara, gold was worth 25 times as much as silver!


Note: Nowadays, silver is worth only about a 75th as much as gold. The discovery of America, and its vast amounts of silver, greatly cheapened it.

åðøàä ìø''ú ããéðø æäá îù÷ìå ëôìééí ùì ëñó


Answer (R. Tam): A gold Dinar weighs twice as much as a silver [Dinar];

åìà ëôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ ãìòéì ãîùîò îúåê ãáøéå ùäí ùåéí ëãôéøùúé ìòéì


This is unlike Rashi explained above. He connotes that [their weights] are the same, like I explained above (49b DH Amar).

åáôø÷ àìå èøôåú (çåìéï ãó ðä:) ðîé îùîò ùäéä òåáéå ùì ãéðø æäá îùåðä îãéðø ùì ëñó îãð÷è åàí ðùúééø áå ëòåáé ãéðø ùì æäá ëùéøä


Support #1: Also in Chulin (55b) it connotes that the thickness of a gold Dinar was different than that of a silver Dinar, since it mentions "if [the spleen was punctured, and] there remained like the thickness of a gold Dinar [covering it], it is Kosher."

åùîò îéðä ëôìééí áùì ëñó äéä åìôéëê ùåä îäí ë''ä àáì îù÷ì ëîù÷ì àéðå ùåä àìà é''á


Inference: It was twice [the weight of] a silver Dinar. Therefore it is worth 25 times as much, but for the same weight, gold is worth 12 times as much. (Below, Tosfos addresses why it is 25 times as much, and not 24.)


Note: We learn from Chulin only that the thickness is different. Based on the relative prices in Tosfos' time, and the Midrash he brings below, Tosfos says that it was double, i.e. its weight. Tosfos in Bava Metzi'a (44b DH Echad) says that gold is denser than silver, so the gold Dinar was less than twice as thick. Actually, gold is almost twice as dense as silver; if a gold Dinar is about a 12th thicker, it weighs twice as much. This assumes that the diameters of the coins are the same.

åâí áîãøù îåëéç ùäñìò ùì æäá àéðå àìà é''á ñìòéí ùì ëñó


Support #2: Also the Midrash proves that the gold Sela is worth only 12 silver Sela'im;

ãáñôø ùîåàì (á' ëã) ëúéá âáé âåøï àøååðä [äéáåñé] ù÷ðàä [ö"ì ãåã - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áëñó çîùéí ù÷ìéí åáã''ä (à' ëà) ëúéá ù÷ìé (ëñó) [ö"ì æäá îù÷ì - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùù îàåú


Contradiction: In Shmuel (2:24) it is written about Goren Aravna ha'Yevusi that David bought [to build the Beis ha'Mikdash there] for 50 Shekalim of silver, and in Divrei ha'Yamim (1:21) it is written "Shiklei Zahav Mishkal Shesh Me'os"!

åîôøù áîãøù ãäëé ôéøåùà ã÷øà ãùîåàì ëñó ùù îàåú ù÷ìéí ãäééðå çîùéí ù÷ìéí ùì æäá å÷øà ããáøé äéîéí ä''ô ù÷ìé æäá çîùéí ãäééðå ùù îàåú ù÷ìéí ùì ëñó


Resolution #1: The Midrash explains that the verse in Shmuel refers to 600 Shekalim of silver, i.e. 50 Shekalim of gold. The verse in Divrei ha'Yamim refers to 50 Shekalim of gold, i.e. 600 Shekalim of silver.

åáôø÷ áúøà ãæáçéí (ãó ÷èæ:) îôøù áòðéï àçø ùâáä îëì ùáè åùáè çîùéí ùäí áéï ëåìí ùù îàåú


Resolution #2: In Zevachim (116b) it explains differently. [David] collected from each Shevet 50 Shekalim. In all, they were 600.

åìôé îä ùôéøù ãéðø ùì æäá ùå÷ì ùúéí ëùì ëñó ìôé çùáåï æä ãéðø ùì æäá [ö"ì îæãáï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áë''ã ùì ëñó åäàé ãèôé äëà ãéðø ã÷àîø áòùøéí åçîù


Implied question: According to [R. Tam's] Perush that a gold Dinar weighs double that of silver, according to this calculation (that gold is worth 12 times as much as the same weight of silver), a gold Dinar sells for 24 of silver. Why is it another Dinar here? We say that it is 25!

àåîø ø''ú ãäàé æåæ äîåúø ìäëøò äåà


Answer #1 (R. Tam): The extra Zuz is for Hechra (to make the pan on the balance scale descend below the other side).

úãò îã÷àîø äëà ãì æåæà åùúåúà ãäééðå çîùä æåæéí àîàé ð÷è ëä''â äåä ìéä ìîéîø ãì çåîùà ãçîùä æåæé äåà çåîùà ùì òùøéí åçîù


Support #1 - Question: It says here "deduct a Zuz, and [deduct] a sixth (of what remains)." Why did it say in this way? It should have said [simply] "deduct a fifth", for five Zuz is a fifth of 25!

àìà ìôé ùàåúå æåæ äéúø äåà ìäëøò çùéá ìéä áàðôé ðôùéä


Answer: Because the extra Zuz is for Hechra, it is considered by itself.

åæäå ðîé ùéòåøà ùì äëøò ìîçöéú äù÷ì ìîàï ãàîø áù÷ìéí ùðåúðéí ìîçöéú äù÷ì çöé îòä


Support #2: This is also the amount of [Kolbon, i.e.] Hechra for Machatzis ha'Shekel, according to the opinion in Shekalim (Mishnah 1:7) that one gives for Machatzis ha'Shekel an [extra] half Ma'ah;

åîçöéú äù÷ì äåà ùðé ãéðø åäãéðø ùù îòä ëñó äøé ë''ã çöàé îòä


Machatzis ha'Shekel is two Dinarim (since Shekel ha'Kodesh is a Sela, i.e. four Dinarim), and a Dinar is six silver Ma'ah. It turns out Machatzis ha'Shekel is 24 half-Ma'os (the addition is one part in 24, like R. Tam says about a gold Dinar).

åàò''â ãàéëà ìî''ã äúí ù÷ìáåï îçöéú äù÷ì äåà îòä


Implied question: There is an opinion (in that Mishnah) there that Kolbon of Machatzis ha'Shekel is a [full] Ma'ah (one part in 12)!

îåãä áäëøò ãéðø æäá ùäåà ãéðø ëñó


Answer: He agrees that the Hechra for a gold Dinar is a silver Dinar.

åäà ãàîø áñîåê âáé áéú æøò çåîø ùòåøéí áçîùéí ù÷ì ëñó ùàéï ðåúðéï àìà ôåðãéåï àçã åàåúå ôåðãéåï ÷åìáåï ìôøåèøåè ãîùîò ãàéï ääëøò òåìä éåúø


Implied question: It says below about [the Shi'ur of land] in which one seeds a Chomer (30 Sa'im) of barley seeds [which is redeemed] for 50 silver Shekalim, that he gives [an addition of] only one Pundiyon (one part in 48 of a Sela). That Pundiyon is the Kolbon for Protrot (Hechra). This implies that the Hechra is no more [than one part in 2400]!

ìàå ãå÷à ð÷è ìùåï ÷åìáåï ãàéðå (îëàï îòîåã á) àìà ìäùååú äùðéí ùéäà ñìò åôåðãéåï [ö"ì ìùðä - äøù"ù] ìî''è ùðéí ùì éåáì ùçñø îäí ôåðãéåï àçã


Answer: It was not precise to call it Kolbon. It is merely to equate the years, so it will be a Sela and a Pundiyon per year for the 49 years of Yovel, for one Pundiyon is lacking.


åùîà ëùðåúï çîùéí ù÷ì áéçã àæ àéðå ðåúï ôåðãéåï åìà ùééê ùí äëøò ãäåé ëòéï î÷ç åîîëø åìà ùééê äëøòä àìà ëùîçìéôéï îòåú ìùåìçðé


Perhaps when he gives 50 Shekalim together, he does not give an [extra] Pundiyon. Hechra does not apply, for it is like a sale. Hachra'ah applies only when exchanging coins with a moneychanger.

åîä ùôéøù ãäëøò ùì ãéðø æäá ëôé çùáåï äëøò ùì çöé îòä ìîçöéú äù÷ì åàò''â ãàùëçï áäîåëø äñôéðä (á''á ãó ôè.) âáé áùø ãëùùå÷ì é' ìéèøà áéçã àéï ðåúï ìå ëì ëê äëøò ëîå ùùå÷ì ëì ìéèøà åìéèøà áôðé òöîä


Implied question: [R. Tam] explained that the Hechra of a gold Dinar is like the calculation of a Hechra of a half Ma'ah of Machatzis ha'Shekel. We find in Bava Basra (89a) regarding meat, that when one weighs 10 Litra together, he gives less Hechra than when he weighs each Litra by itself! (Also here, we should say that the Hechra for a larger weight is a smaller fraction of the weight than the Hechra for a small weight!)

àéï ìäùååú [ö"ì äëøòú - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äáùø ìäëøò ùì ëñó


Answer: One should not equate the Hechra of meat to the Hechra of silver.

åîéäå ÷ùä îàçéï äùåúôéï ùôèåøéï îï ä÷åìáåï ì÷îï áôø÷ áúøà (ãó ðå:) ãàò''â ùàí ùå÷ì ëì àçã áôðé òöîå çééá (á÷åìáåï) ùðé ÷ìáåðåú ìùðé çöàé ù÷ì äùúà ùäí éçã àéï ðåúðéï àìà ÷åìáåï àçã


Question: It is difficult from brothers who are partners. They are exempt from Kolbon below (56b), even though if each gives his Shekel by himself, they are obligated two Kolbonos for two half-Shekalim, now that they are together, they give only one Kolbon!

åéù ìçì÷ áäëøòåú


Answer: We can distinguish between Hachra'os.

åäø''ø éäåãä áø ðúï ôé' áôø÷ äæäá (á''î ãó îã:) ùàåúå ãéðø äåà ìäëøòåú äîèáòåú åùëø áòìé äîèáò


Answer #2 (to Question (f) - R. Yehudah bar Nasan, in Bava Metzi'a 44b): The [extra silver] Dinar [in a gold Dinar] is for Hachra'ah of the coins, and also the wages of the minters (people who make coins);

ùîé ùéù ìå ëñó ëãé ìòùåú ë''ä ãéðø ùì ëñó ðåúðéï ìáòì äîèáò ìèåáòå åàéï îçæéø ìå àìà ë''ã ùì ëñó


One who has enough [mass] of silver to make 25 silver Dinarim, he gives it to a minter to make coins, and he returns to him only 24 silver [Dinarim].


TOSFOS DH Kol Kesef ha'Amur b'Torah Kesef Tzuri

úåñôåú ã"ä ëì ëñó äàîåø áúåøä ëñó öåøé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses Perushim of this Sugya in Kidushin and Shevu'os.)

áôø÷ ÷îà ã÷ãåùéï (ãó éà.) ôéøù ä÷åðèøñ áùí øáåúéå ããéðø äåé îèáò ôçåúä ùáöåøé


Explanation #1 (Rashi in Kidushin 11a, citing his Rebbeyim): The Dinar is the smallest coin in Tzuri;

åîééúé ìä äúí àäà ãàîø áéú ùîàé ãàùä îú÷ãùú áãéðø åîôøù èòîà ãáéú ùîàé ëãøá àñé ãëì ëñó äàîåø áúåøä ëñó öåøé


He brings this there regarding Beis Shamai's teaching that a woman becomes Mekudeshes through a Dinar, and [the Gemara] explains Beis Shamai's reason like Rav Asi, that every Kesef said in the Torah is Kesef Tzuri;

åàò''â ãëúéá òùøéí âøä äù÷ì åîúøâîéðï òùøéï îòéï ñìòà


Implied question: It says "Esrim Gera ha'Shekel", and the Targum is "Esrin Ma'in Sil'a"!

ìà áùáéì ùäéúä îòä áéîé îùä àìà îù÷ì àçã äéä áéîé îùä ùäéä ùåä îòä ùðòùéú àçøé ëï áéîé àåð÷ìåñ


Answer: This is not because there was a Ma'ah [coin] in the days of Moshe. Rather, there was a weight in the days of Moshe equal to the Ma'ah [coin] that was made later in the days of Unkelos.

åôøéê åäøé èòðä ã÷úðé ùúé ëñó ùäï îòåú [ö"ì åìà ãéðø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îã÷úðé ùúé åìà ÷úðé ùðé


Explanation #1 (cont.): [The Gemara] asks that the claim [needed for the oath of partial admission], it was taught that it is Shtei Kesef, which are Ma'os, and not a Dinar, since it taught Shtei (feminine), and not Shnei;

åîùðé (ãäúí) [ö"ì ùàðé äúí - öàï ÷ãùéí] ãáòéðï ãáø çùåá ãåîéà ãëìéí åîòä ãáø çùåá äåàé


It answers that there is different, for we require something important, similar to Kelim, and a Ma'ah is important.

åäùúà àúé ÷øà ìâøåòé ãñâéà áîòä åìà áòéðï ãéðø àáì ìôé äîñ÷ðà ãàîø ëñó ÷öåá àúé ãáø çùåá ìàåñåôé ãáòéðï îòä åìà ñâé áôøåèä


Observation: Now, the verse comes to diminish, that Ma'ah suffices, and we do not require a Dinar. However, according to the conclusion, [that Rav Asi teaches that] any fixed quantity of money [in the Torah is Tzuri], "something important" comes to add, that we require a Ma'ah, and a Perutah does not suffice.

åøáéðå ù''é ä÷ùä ìôéøåù æä ãà''ë ãëì ëñó äàîåø áúåøä ãéðø äåà äéëé àúéà ä÷éùà åîô÷à ìéä äà ëé àúàé äé÷ù ìàùîåòéðï îä ëìéí ùðéí àó ëñó ùðéí äåà ãàúà


Question #1 (Rashi): If so, that every Kesef said in the Torah is a Dinar, how does a Hekesh uproot this? The Hekesh comes to teach that just like Kelim are two, Kesef are two!

åðøàä ãìà ÷ùä îéãé ãàéï äé÷ù ìîçöä


Answer: This is not difficult at all. A Hekesh is not half-way (we learn from it everything possible).

åìøá ãôìéâ àãùîåàì áôø÷ ùáåòú äãééðéï (ùáåòåú ìè:) öøéê ìåîø ëï ãúøåééäå ãøùåú ðô÷é îëìéí ùðéí åãáø çùåá ãëñó ëé àúà ìëôéøä äåà ãàúà


Support: According to Rav, who argues with Shmuel in Shevuos (39b), we must say so, for we learn both Drashos from "Kelim" - two, and something important, for "Kesef" comes to teach about the denial.

åòåã ä÷ùä äéëé àîøéðï îä ëìéí ãáø çùåá åëé îçè ãáø çùåá äåà åäà àîø äúí ìëê éöàå ëìéí ìîä ùäï àìîà ãìà çùéáé îçèéï


Question #2 (Rashi): How can we say "just like Kelim are important"? Is a needle important?! It says there 'therefore, "Kelim" teaches whatever they are (even if they are not important).' This shows that needles are not important!

åäà ðîé ìà ÷ùéà ãàôéìå îçè éù áå çùéáåú ùøàåé ìòùåú áå îìàëä çùåáä åâãåìä


Answer: Also this is not difficult. Even a needle has importance. It is proper to do a great, important Melachah.

åòåã ä÷ùä ãáäãéà àîø àéôëà áùáåòåú îä ëñó ãáø çùåá àó ëìéí ãáø çùåá åëñó ëé àúà ìäê ãøùà äåà ãàúà


Question #3 (Rashi): It explicitly says oppositely in Shevuos - "just like Kesef is important, also Kelim are important"! "Kesef" comes for this Drashah!

åäà ðîé ìà ÷ùä ãäééðå ìùîåàì àáì ìøá àéúà áäãéà äúí ãáéï ùðéí áéï ãáø çùåá îëìéí ðô÷é åëñó ëé àúà ìëôéøä äåà ãàúà


Answer #1: Also this is not difficult. That is according to Shmuel, but according to Rav, it explicitly says there that both two, and something important, are learned from "Kelim", and "Kesef" comes to teach about the denial. (Rashash points out that this is not in our text, but Tosfos says so there.)

åòåã ãàôéìå áãùîåàì éù ñôøéí ãâøñé äúí ëé äëà åëé ãéé÷é ÷øà ëååúéä ãùîåàì


Answer #2: Even according to Shmuel, some texts there say like [the Gemara says] here, and when one is meticulous about the verses, [one finds that] they are like Shmuel.

åäà ã÷àîø áúø äëé ìùîåàì àé ëúéá ëìéí åìà ëúéá ëñó ä''à îä ëìéí ùðéí àáì ãáø çùåá ìà áòéðï


Implied question: It says afterwards "according to Shmuel, had it written Kelim, and not Kesef, one might have thought that just like Kelim are two [also Kesef], but we would not need something important! (This implies that he learns from "Kesef" something important!)

ìà îùåí ãîô÷éðï îëñó ãáø çùåá àîø äëé àìà îùåí ãàé ìà ëñó ìà äåä îô÷éðï îëìéí àìà ùðéí ìäëé ëúá ëñó ìà÷åùé ìëìéí åìäöøéê áå ãáø çùåá


Answer #1: It does not say so because he learns from "Kesef" something important. Rather, it is because if not for Kesef, we would learn from Kelim only two. Therefore it wrote Kesef, to equate it to Kelim, and require something important.

åòåã é''ì ãîëñó ãîùîò çùéáåú îîåï ôøåèä ìëì äôçåú (ùîöéðå) [ö"ì ùîòéðï - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] ãáòé çùéáåú áëìéí ìàôå÷é ëìé âøåò ëâåï îøå÷à ëãàîø áôø÷ äæäá (á''î ãó îæ.) áîðà ãëùø ìàôå÷é îøå÷à


Answer #2: From "Kesef", which connotes something considered money, i.e. at least a Perutah, we learn that we require important Kelim. This excludes inferior Kelim, e.g. Maroka (of dung, or date pits), like it says in Bava Metzi'a (47a) "a Kli Kosher [to acquire through it]" excludes Maroka;

àé ðîé ìàôå÷é ëìé ùäåà ôçåú îùåä ôøåèä ãìà úéîà âæéøú äëúåá äåà áëì ëìé àò''ô ùàéï áå ùåä ôøåèä


Alternatively, it excludes a Kli worth less than a Perutah, lest we say that a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv teaches any Kli, even if it is not Shaveh Perutah;

ëîå ùàåîø áéøåùìîé ãèòðå ùðé îçèéí îééøé áùåéí ùúé ôøåèåú ùúäà äëôéøä ôøåèä åääåãàä ôøåèä


This is like it says in the Yerushalmi, that "he claimed two needles" discusses when they are worth two Perutos (one each), so the denial is a Perutah and the admission is a Perutah.

åäãø î÷ùéðï ëñó ìëìéí ìäöøéê çùéáåú áëñó éåúø îôøåèä ãîä ëìé ìàå ëì ãäå àìà ëìé çùåá àó ëñó ìàå ëì ãäå àìà ëñó çùåá åäééðå îòä ùáëê éù áå çùéáåú


Answer #2 (cont.): We then equate Kesef to Kelim to require importance of money more than a Perutah. Just like a Kli is not Kol d'Hu (anything, no matter how inferior it is), rather, it is an important Kli, also Kesef is not Kol d'Hu, rather, it is important Kesef, i.e. a Ma'ah. This amount has importance.

åøù''é âøéñ äúí (ëããéé÷é) [ö"ì ëé ãéé÷é - âîøà òåæ åäãø] ÷øà ëååúéä ãùîåàì îä ëñó ãáø çùåá ëå'


Explanation #2: Rashi's text says there "when one is meticulous about the verses, [one finds that] they are like Shmuel. Just like Kesef is important...

åäâéä àó ëì ãáø çùåá (ìà) [ö"ì åìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] âøñ àó ëìéí îùåí ãùîåàì àéú ìéä éöàå ëìéí ìîä ùäï


He corrected the text to say "Af Kol (also every) important matter", and did not [leave] the text "Af (even) Kelim [must be important]", for Shmuel holds that "Kelim" teaches whatever they are.

åáçðí ãç÷ ãáëìéí ðîé áà ìàôå÷é îøå÷à à''ð ùàéï áëìé ùåä ôøåèä ëãôøéùéú


Rebuttal: There was no need for this. Also Kelim [we expound that they must be important] to exclude Maroka, or a Kli worth less than a Perutah, like I explained!

åøù''é ôéøù òåã ìùåï àçø á÷ãåùéï ëì ëñó äàîåø áúåøä ëñó öåøé àí ôéøù ù÷ìéí äåé ù÷ì öåøé åàí ñúí äåé îèáò äôçåú ùáöåøé


Explanation #3 (Rashi in Kidushin 11a): All Kesef mentioned in the Torah is Tzuri. If it specified Shekalim, it is Shekel Tzuri. If it is Stam, it is the smallest coin in Tzur;

äìëê ôøåèä ìà îöéú àîøú ìôé ùäéä ùì ðçùú åáöåøé îèáò ðçùú ìéëà åá÷ãåùéï ëñó ëúéá ãäà ÷éçä âîéøé


Therefore, you cannot say a Perutah, for it is of copper, and there are no copper coins in Tzuri. Regarding Kidushin, Kesef is written, for we learn from [a Gezeirah Shavah Kichah-] Kichah;

åëéåï ãàôé÷úéä îôøåèä àìîà îéãé ãçùéáåúà áòé (ìàå÷îåä) [ö"ì àå÷îéä - öàï ÷ãùéí] àãéðø ëãì÷îï


Since we excluded a Perutah, this shows that we need something important. We establish it to be a Dinar, like below.

(áùîòúéï åäøé èòðä ëå' åúéîä) [ö"ì åáùîòúéï åäøé èòðä ëå' ôéøù"é - öàï ÷ãùéí] åðéîà ðäé ãîòä äéà îèáò ôçåúä ùáöåøé îéäå ùúéí îðà ìéä åîùðé îä ëìéí ùðéí ëå'


Explanation #3 (cont.): In our Sugya "behold, a claim...", Rashi explained "we should say that granted, Ma'ah is the smallest coin in Tzuri. However, what is the source for two?", and it answers "just like Kelim are two..." (Eizehu Mekoman - Rashi explained so in Kidushin 11b, regarding the question brought also in our Sugya "behold, a claim..." Perhaps the text should say uvi'Shemaita (in the Sugya).)

[ö"ì åôéøù"é ä"ð - öàï ÷ãùéí] åîä ëñó ãáø çùåá àó ëìéí ãáø çùåá ùéäå ùåéí ùúé ëñó ìàôå÷é îî''ã äúí èòðå ùðé îçèéï çééá áäåãàä àçú îäí


And Rashi explained that likewise, just like Kesef is something important, also Kelim are something important. They must be worth two Kesef. This is unlike the opinion that if he claimed two needles, [the Nitva] is liable [to swear] through admission to one of them.

ìëê éöàå ëìéí ìîä ùäï ëìåîø ùéúçééá òìéäï áëì ùäåà ò''ë ìùåï ä÷åðèøñ


Therefore, "Kelim" teaches whatever they are. One is liable for them for any [value]. Until here is from Rashi.

å÷ùä ìï ìôé' ãìôé ùéèúå ãùáåòåú äéä ìå ìäâéä àó ëì ëîå ùîâéä áùáåòåú ãäê ãøùà ãîä ëñó ãáø çùåá ìéúà àìà ìùîåàì ãøá ñáéøà ìéä ãëñó ëé àúà ìëôéøä äåà ãàúà


Question #1: According to Rashi's opinion in Shevuos, he should have changed the text [also in Kidushin from "Af Kelim"] to "Af Kol", like he changed the text in Shevuos, for this Drashah "just like Kesef is something important" is only according to Shmuel, for Rav holds that Kesef comes to teach about denial!

åòåã ÷ùä ìø''é ëéåï ãîèáò ôçåú ùáöåøé äéà îòä äéëé ùééê ìîéîø ëìì ëéåï ãàôé÷úéä îôøåèä àå÷îéä àãéðø ä''ì ìîéîø àîòä ùäéà îèáò ôçåúä ùáöåøé


Question #2 (Ri): Since the smallest coin in Tzuri is the Ma'ah, how is it possible at all to say "since we excluded a Perutah, we establish it to be a Dinar"? It should have said a Ma'ah, the smallest coin in Tzuri!

ãáùìîà )ìîàï( [ö"ì ì÷îï] ãàîø ëéåï ãàôé÷úéä îôøåèä àå÷îà àãéðø äééðå áúø ãàùëçðà ãôøåèä äåé )ùì ëñó ìâáé àîä äòáøééä åëéåï) [ö"ì ùôéø ëñó ìâáé àîä äòáøééä ëéåï - äøù"ù] ãàôé÷úéä îôøåèä ãäåé ëñó àå÷îà àãéðø ãäåé ãáø çùåá


Granted, below it says "since we excluded a Perutah, we establish it to be a Dinar", i.e. after we find that a Perutah is properly considered Kesef regarding Amah Ivriyah. Since we excluded a Perutah, which is Kesef, we establish it to be a Dinar, which is something important;

àáì äùúà ãñáéøà ìï ãñúîà îòä ëîå âáé èòðä àîàé îå÷îé ìéä àãéðø åàéï ùééê ìåîø ëéåï ãàôé÷úéä îôøåèä ùàéï áùåí î÷åí ñúîå ôøåèä àìà îòä


However, now that we hold that Stam [Kesef] is a Ma'ah, like regarding the claim, why do we establish it to be a Dinar? It is not applicable to say "since we excluded a Perutah", since we never find that Stam [Kesef] is a Perutah, rather, a Ma'ah!

åòåã ëé äéëé ãá÷ãåùéï àîø ëéåï ãàôé÷úéä îôøåèä àå÷îà àãéðø âáé èòðä ðîé ðéîà ëéåï ãàôé÷úéä îùðé ôøåèåú àå÷îä àùðé ãéðøéí


Question #3: Just like in Kidushin, it says that since we excluded a Perutah, we establish it to be a Dinar, also regarding the claim we should say that since we excluded a Perutah, we should establish it to be two Dinarim!


TOSFOS DH Mah Kelim Shenayim v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä îä ëìéí ùðéí ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses Rashi's explanation of Shmuel in Shevuos.)

áùáåòåú (ãó ìè:) ä÷ùä øù''é îðà ìéä ìùîåàì ããøéù ìëê éöàå ëìéí ìîä ùäï äà àéöèøéê ìàùîåòéðï îä ëìéí ùðéí


Question (Rashi in Shevuos 39b): What is Shmuel's source to expound 'therefore, "Kelim" teaches however they are?' We need it to teach that just like Kelim are two...!

åúéøõ ãìëúåá ëñôéí ãîùîò ùðéí åãáø çùåá


Answer (Rashi): It should have written "Kesafim", which connotes two and something important. (Rather, it taught that Kesef is two through writing "Kelim", which also teaches however they are.)

åîéäå úéîä ãà''ë ãáø çùåá îðìéä ãàîéðà ùúé ôøåèåú ëîå ùàîø ìòéì


Question: This is astounding! If so, what is his source for something important? I can say two Perutos, like [the Gemara] said above!

åé''ì ãäåä ìéä ìîéëúá ëñó àå çôöéí


Answer: It should have written "Kesef Oh Chafatzim." (Rather, it wrote "Kesef Oh Kelim", to teach also Kelim however they are.)


TOSFOS DH Kol Kesef Katzuv ha'Amur b'Torah Kesef Tzuri...

úåñôåú ã"ä ëì ëñó ÷öåá äàîåø áúåøä ëñó öåøé åùì ãáøéäí ëñó îãéðä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this general rule is only for Sela'im.)

úéîä ãáôø÷ äçåáì (á''÷ ã' ö.) úðï âáé äúå÷ò ìçáéøå øáé éåñé äâìéìé àåîø îðä åîñé÷ áâîøà ãäééðå îðä öåøé


Question #1: In Bava Kama (90a) regarding one who was Toke'a (hit; alternatively blew in the ear of) his colleague, R. Yosi ha'Gelili says [that he pays] a Maneh, and the Gemara concludes that this is a Maneh Tzuri;

åáëúåáåú áôø÷ àò''ô (ãó ñã:) úðï ðåúï (ìäí) [ö"ì ìä - ùéèä î÷åáöú, äøù"ù] (îëàï îãó äáà) ëìéí ùì çîùéí æåæ åáôø÷ îöéàú äàùä (ëúåáåú ãó ñæ.) ìà éôçåú ìä îçîùéí æåæ


Question #2: And in Kesuvos (64b) a Mishnah teaches that he gives to [his wife] clothing worth 50 Zuz, and in Kesuvos (67a, one who marries off his daughter without stipulating, or a Gabai Tzedakah who marries off an orphan) may not give to her less than 50 Zuz...