
ASSISTING THEM TO MARRY (Yerushalmi Halachah 9 Daf 8a)

ר"ש רבי אבהו בשם רבי יוסי בר חנינה גודלת ישראל לא תגדל את הנכרית משם לא תתן עליהם חן


(R. Shimon/ R.Abahu quoting R. Yosi bar Chaninah): A Jewish hairdresser may not do the hair of a gentile woman, because of the prohibition of "lo techonem" - don't give them grace;

ולא יעשה ישראל שושבין לנכרי משום לא תתחתן בם.


A Jew should not become an assistant for a gentile to marry, because of the pasuk (Devarim 7:3), "Do not marry them" - this cannot refer to actually marrying them, as the pasuk already said that one may not give his daughter to marry one of them nor allow his son to take a wife from amongst them; therefore, it must mean that one may not cause them to marry (each other).

רבי יצחק בר גופתה בעא קומי רבי מנא לילך לבית המשתה שלו אסור להיעשו לו שושבין לא כל שכן


Question (Rav Yitzchak bar Guftah to R. Mana): If the Chachamim prohibited going to a idolater's home when he makes a wedding for his son, certainly one may not become an assistant for a gentile to marry?! (So why did R. Yosi bar Chaninah need to teach it?)

א"ל ליתן עליהם בלא תעשה.


Answer: (R. Mana): In order to apply a negative Torah prohibition against it.

רבי סימון היו לו נוטעי כרמים בהר המלך שאל לרבי יוחנן א"ל יבורו ואל תשכירם לנכרי.


R. Simon had vineyard plantations in Har HaMelech. He asked R. Yochanan if he was permitted to rent them out to an idolater and R. Yochanan answered, "Even if they will be left fallow as a result, you still may not rent them to an idolater."

שאל לרבי יהושע [בן לוי] מהו להשכירן לנכרי ושרא ליה רבי יהושע [בן לוי] מקום שאין ישראל מצויין כהדא בסוריא.


He then asked R. Yehoshua ben Levi if it is permitted and he replied that it was, since in that place, there are not many Jews, so its law is like Suria (where it is permitted to rent out fields to a gentile, according to R. Yosi).

הדא סוריא


Question: As for Suria itself (does the Halacha follow R. Yosi that one may rent out fields to gentiles or does it follow R. Meir who prohibits it?)

נישמעינה מן הדא רבי חגיי נחת לחמץ אתון ושאלון ליה אילין דבר עשתור בגין דלית ישראל שכיחין ואנן מוגרין לעממין מהו לעשר על ידיהם


Answer: R. Chagai left Eretz Yisrael and went to a town called Chemetz in Suria. The family of Bar Ashtor came and asked him, "Since there aren't Jews here to rent our fields and we rent them to gentiles, are we required to separate Maaseros from the fruits that grow there?"

שלח שאל לרבי זעירא שאל רבי זעירא לרבי אמי א"ל רבי מהו לעשר


R. Chagai sent a messenger to ask R. Zeira and R. Zeira asked R. Ami if Maaseros must be taken.

א"ל אינו צריך לעשר על ידיהם


(R. Ami): It's not necessary.

מנה את (ר"ש)[ש"מ] להשכיר כרבי יוסי


Conclusion of answer: This (that there is no need to separate Maaseros) shows that it is permitted to rent out a field in Suria to a gentile, as per the ruling of R. Yosi.

ועוד מן הדא דמר רבי חנינה בריה דרבי אבהו בשם רבי אבהו אבא הוה ליה עובדא ושלח שאל לרבי חייה לרבי יסא לרבי אמי והורון ליה להשכיר כרבי יוסי הא לעשר אין מעשרין על ידיה:


Another proof (R. Chaninah son of R. Abahu in the name of R. Abahu): A case came before my father of a Jew who rented out his field in Suria to a gentile and he sent the question to R. Chiya, R. Yasa and R. Ami and they instructed that it is permitted to do so (like R. Yosi) and he does not need to separate Maaseros.


RENTING THEM DWELLINGS (Yerushalmi Halachah 10 Daf 8a)

משנה אף במקום שאמרו להשכיר לא לבית דירה אמרו מפני שמכניס לתוכה ע"ז שנאמר ולא תביא תועבה אל ביתך והיית חרם כמוהו וגו'


(Mishnah): Even when they permitting renting out a house to a gentile, they were referring to renting it out for storage purposes rather than for residential purposes (as the renter might bring his idol there), as the pasuk states (Devarim 7:26), "and do not bring an abomination into your house, lest you be destroyed like it".

ובכל מקום לא ישכיר לו את המרחץ מפני שהיא נקראת על שמו:


Anywhere (even outside the Land), one may not rent out a bathhouse to an idolater, as the bathhouse is known as the Jew's and if the gentile comes and uses it on Shabbos, it will create a Chillul Hash-m (desecration of Hash-m's Name).

גמרא הא במקום שנהגו למכור מוכר לו אפילו בית דירה ומשכיר לו אפי' בית דירה.


(Gemara): But if the custom is to sell them, one may even sell them a dwelling or rent them a dwelling.

רבי אחא רבי תנחום בר חייה בשם רבי לעזר בי רבי יוסי ואפילו תיבה קטנה כגון בורסקי שבצידן לא סוף דבר כולה אלא אפילו בית אחד


(R. Acha/ R. Tanchum bar Chiya citing R. Elazar bei R. Yosi): Even a small room such as in a Burseki (a house with many small rooms) in Tzidan may be sold or rented. And it is not only permitted when the gentile rents/buys the entire house, but even if he rents/buys one room, it is permitted.

היו שתים זו לפנים מזו הפנימית חייבת והחיצונה פטורה


(Concerning the law that produce that was brought to the house becomes obligated in Maaseros, R. Yehuda says that if there were two courtyards, one inside the other...) the inner one causes produce to be obligated (as it is considered protected) but the outer one does not (since it is used as an access route by the people of the inner one).

היתה אחת ונעשית שתים שתים ונעשית אחת.


Question: If it was one courtyard made into two or two made into one (does this affect the status of the outer one)? (The Gemara does not answer the question.)

ר' אבין בשם רבנן דתמן זאת אומרת שדה שהיא נתונה על גב הדרך אסור להשכירה לנכרים מפני שנקראת על שם ישראל והן חורשין בה בשבתות ובימים טובים:


(R. Avin citing Rabbanan of Bavel): (From the Mishnah's ruling that one may not rent out a bathhouse to an idolater since it will be known as a Jew's bathhouse that is running on Shabbos) this teaches concerning a field that is next to a public road, that it is prohibited to rent out the field to idolaters as it will be known as a Jew's field and the idolaters will plough there on Shabbos and Yom Tov (which would look like the Jew hired them to work for him on those days).